You are purchasing an Apache OpenOffice™ Development Unit. Development Units help pay for the costs of developing OS/2 compatible ports of Apache OpenOffice. Development Unit purchases help ensure that development will continue. Note: you are not buying an Apache OpenOffice license. Apache OpenOffice is licensed under the terms of the Apache License v2.0.
TEXTBUCH ist eine geprüfte Standardsoftware für Buchführung und Kostenrechnung mit einem großen Einsatzspektrum von kleinen GmbH's, Selbständigen und Vereinen bis hin zu mittelständischen Unternehmen, bei denen die Buchhaltung im Netzwerk auf vielen Arbeitsplätzen verteilt ist und mehrere Millionen Buchungen pro Jahr anfallen.
Qt makes software development smarter. It is a powerful plattform neutral framework that makes it easy to bring many applications to OS/2 that were written for various other plattforms. With this "Development Unit" you help us to further port Qt 5 to OS/2.
The GCC Compiler is used for most if not all of our projects. And many other free developers use it. Without a up to date compiler it's sometimes very hard to port projects to OS/2. So in the end this is a core part even most user don't see anything from it. With this "Development Unit" you help us to further port GCC to OS/2.